A DISCO Library is a search interface curated with select content from your DISCO.

Share your DISCO Library with clients to let them discover and pull tracks on their own time using tags, keywords and playlists.

Building a DISCO Library is a breeze if you have prepared your music and assets in advance, so we’ve added a checklist at the start of this article to get you up to speed.

Just start small, you don’t need literally all your music ready before you publish.

Happy DISCO Library building!


Pre-build Checklist

Prior to building a Library you will need to get files into DISCO, organize them, and make sure they have clean metadata. You’ll also want some artwork assets to complete your Library design.

This checklist covers all the pre-build bases. If you do not know how to do any of these basic processes you can click the links in the list to find an article on each topic.

Create the Library

Open the Libraries Dashboard from the side bar on the left. From here you can: