Playlists are DISCO's primary sharing method or “envelope”. Playlists have multiple Share options including an assortment of URLS, direct emails and bulk email blasts.

Depending on how you share you will have access to different access stats and security options


Playlist Share URL

A share URL is generated when a playlist is saved for the first time - this is called a Public Playlist URL since it is where external parties can interact with your playlist contents.


How can I share my Playlist on another DISCO Inbox Page

DISCO users often request that files are delivered on their Inbox Upload page. They don’t want to download files anymore!

Since you have DISCO, you simply make a playlist, copy the share URL and paste into the Send your own Playlist area on their Inbox page.


Playlist Share Area Breakdown

Select Share this playlist to open the Playlist Share area and utilize our advanced sharing and security options.
