What is alias metadata?

Alias metadata allows you to edit track metadata on a specific playlist without altering the tracks original metadata everywhere else in your DISCO.

Without the Alias metadata feature, you would have to upload a duplicate of the audio file every time you wanted to write different metadata for different clients or uses.

With Alias metadata the same track could appear to clients with totally different metadata in hundreds of playlists while keeping its original metadata intact inside your DISCO.


How to apply Alias metadata

Alias metadata is applied as you Save each Playlist since it is is specific to a single playlist

1) Save the Playlist

Save Playlist.png

2) Open the Alias Metadata tab


Batch Edit all Tracks

Batch Alias Metadata edits will affect every track in this playlist:


Edit Tracks Individually

The Edit Individually tab lists all the tracks in the playlist where you can edit their Title, Artist and Album fields individually.