As a broadcaster, music and stories are pitched to you from radio promoters, labels, publicists, managers and artists on many different file transfer systems. Every email you open and every link you click takes up valuable productive time.

DISCO Inboxes are designed to help eliminate most of the time lost in emails, clicking links and downloading and can revolutionize your day to day interacting with direct submissions.


<aside> 🕺🏽 Learn more about Inbox mechanics here: Receive files in your DISCO Inboxes & say goodbye to downloading! (3 min)


Familiarize yourself with your DISCO Inboxes

DISCO Inboxes are one of the most effective tools for managing incoming music by providing a funnel / holding place that captures all incoming files where you can instantly stream, tag, organize and playlist.



Save To DISCO buttons

Every DISCO playlist (that isn’t Streaming-only) has Save To DISCO buttons for the whole playlist as well as each individual track or section.

<aside> 🕺🏽 Clicking the Save to DISCO button will save into your personal Inbox (not “Team Inbox”) where only you can see them until

