DISCO playlists can be embedded into websites to feature audio in a sleek media player and simplify ongoing updates. Edit the playlist and resave in DISCO to automatically update the embedded player.

This article walks through the steps to set up a DISCO embedded player in an artist profile web page design that auto-populates with data from your website CMS.


Overview - Embedding DISCO playlists on a website

It is common practice for music industry websites (labels, publishers, managers etc) to host artist profiles with photos, bio, socials and an embedded player.

Maintaining the embedded player across many artist profiles and ongoing updates can be a design nightmare. With DISCO playlists and some basic web design fundamentals you can set up beautiful artist profiles with streaming audio that is easy to maintain and update in the future.

I used Webflow to build the example website in this article. Other website building platforms should have similar if not identical CMS (Content Management System) features to manage and populate page templates.

The basic web design concept includes:

  1. An index page (CMS Collection in Webflow) displaying and linking to all your artists:

Screen Shot 2021-10-11 at 11.02.24 AM.png

  1. A template design for the artist profile pages is populated from the CMS I.e. photo, name, bio, embedded player details are held in the CMS and fill the etc:

Screen Shot 2021-10-11 at 8.35.29 AM.png